로컬 홍보/광고

Austin Cross-Cultural Couples workshop 2017 안내

2016-10-26 19:49
Austin Cross - Cultural Couples Workshop 안내입니다.  외국인과 결혼을 계획하고 계시거나, 외국인과 결혼 생활 중이신 커플들을 위한 워크샵으로 문화적 차이, 커뮤니케이션 이슈, 갈등 극복에 많은 도움이 되실 줄 믿습니다. 워크샵은 영어로 진행이 되나 상담은 한국어로 가능합니다.

Austin Cross-Cultural Couples Workshop (ACCCW) 2017

Are you feeling frustrated about the arguments that you have with your spouse or partner? Has it been difficult to find help for your feelings of hopelessness with regards to your relationship? Research has shown that international couples are at a high risk for divorce, due to barriers which prevent them from maintaining a strong, loving relationship. These barriers can include conflicting values, beliefs and parenting styles, as well as differences in culture, language and communication.

International couples workshop will help you to develop a strong emotional bond, and increase your level of trust, and emotional and physical intimacy. The workshop will also help you to better understand your spouse or partner, and you will learn how to grow together as a couple, through healthy communication.

How can the Austin Cross-Cultural Couples Workshop help you?
  • Explore how cultures, values, and beliefs affect your relationship

  • Address stuck patterns and negative cycles

  • Learn more about your partner’s inner world

  • Explore increasing emotions and physical intimacy through role-play

  • Deepen your emotional and physical connection

  • Develop new communication skills

  • Learn how to heal and resolve conflicts

  • Discover a vision for a healthy marriage

  • Have the relationship that you have always wanted.

자세한 내용은 아래 링크를 클릭 하시면 됩니다.

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