로컬 홍보/광고

유학생 여러분, 연구 참여하시면 $50 Amazon gift card 추첨에 참여하실 기회를 드립니다. "win 1 of 20 $50 Amazon gift cards"

2017-04-06 15:14

김미진 이라고 합니다. 박사 논문 연구로 유학생의 심리적인 적응에 관한 연구를 진행 중입니다. 연구 참여하시는 분께 $50 아마존 기프트카드 추첨 기회를 드립니다. 총 20 개의 $50 기프트 카드가 준비되어 있습니다. 많은 참여 부탁드릴께요!! 


Dear International Student,

Have you been interested in how your cross-national journey affected your adjustment in college? I invite you to participate in a research study about international students’ adjustment. 

As an international doctoral student myself, I have been very interested in international students’ college adjustment and started my dissertation project under the guidance of Dr. Frederick Lopez. This project is important because it will provide valuable information to university counseling settings that helps to serve international students and enhances understanding about the process of cross-national adjustment among international students. 

To be eligible, participants need to:

  1. hold F-1/J-1 visa

  2. be 18 years of age or older

  3. currently enroll in an undergraduate/graduate program at universities in the U.S.

  4. stay in the U.S. until July 31, 2017

This is a 2-time point study and the second survey will be conducted after 3 months from this survey. Participants will be routed to an online survey to the following link. Total expected completion time for time 1 survey is approximately 15-20 minutes. You will be contacted 3 months later for time 2 survey, which will take you approximately 5-10 minutes. Participants have the option to win 1 of 20 $50 Amazon gift cards by participating in both the first and second surveys.


Please access the survey at the following web address: 


If you have questions about this opportunity, please direct all contact to Mijin Kim at mkim6@uh.edu. Thank you for considering participating in this study.



Mijin Kim, M.A.

Doctoral Student, Counseling Psychology Program

University of Houston


* This study received IRB approval from University of Houston (MOD00000269).
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