기업/기관 채용공고

Wonik IPS USA Inc. - Engineer

2025-01-31 14:06
WONIK IPS USA Inc., located in Austin, TX, is currently looking for motivated professional staff to support our field technical services in our DIFFUSION department.

WONIK IPS USA is the leading semiconductor equipment solution provider and delivers highly advanced semiconductor tools and technical solutions for our semiconductor manufacturing customers in the U.S. including Samsung Austin Semiconductor and Global Foundries.

Position Title: Field Service Engineer / Field Service Technician (Diffusion)


Job LocationAustin, TX

Main Job Duties:

1. Customer Service

: Collect VOC from customers, manage, and feedback to customers

: Communicate with customers to set up & lead meeting

: Maintenance Equipment on customer site

- CIP Management, Alarm tracking & management (analyze and get solution for it)

2. Equipment Installation

: Keep following customer's safety rules with EHS

: Managing project schedule to complete equipment installation on time

: Equipment Maintenance (Warranty In & out)

3. Failure Analysis

: Keep communicate with HQ in Korea to analyze equipment & part failure

4. Document management

: Create, manage and update SOP & Check sheets

5. Communication

: Keep communicate with HQ in Korea and other supplies to support customer's demand

6. Data Management

: Manage technical issues from customer sites, and keep recording them on the database.



1. Education: Associate degree or higher (Engineering Major)

2. Semiconductor Equipment & Process work experience preferred - Diffusion

3. Bilingual preferred (English / Korean)

4. Allowed Business trip (Domestic & International - 20% or higher)

5. Willing to support with extended time (night call and weekend response)




□ Vacation Days: The number of vacation days is accrued based on years of service (Original start date of employment)

□ Medical Insurance for employee and his family- coverage shall be determined by Wonik IPS Korea

□ Severance pay is based on length of employment (start date of employment).




Discussed upon Interview

Job Type:


Total 1

  • 2025-01-31 14:19
    If you have any question about this position or ready to send resume, please send email to jeonrk@wonik.com


Total 934
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