기업/기관 채용공고

[한미글로벌] 23년 상반기 한미글로벌 신입사원 공개채용 ~5월 19일 (금)

2023-05-15 18:36

한미글로벌 인사팀 Travis Lee (이문석) 입니다.
23년 상반기 한미글로벌 신입사원 공개채용 관련 변경사항 및 부탁드릴 일이 있어 메일 드립니다.
다양한 글로벌 인재를 영업하기 위해 당초 5월 14일 마감하기로 하였던 신입사원 공개채용 기간을 5월 19일까지로 연장하기로 하였습니다.
지원자들이 지원서를 준비하고 제출할 수 있는 충분한 시간을 제공하기 위함입니다.

이러한 소식을 알려줄 수 있는 잠재적 후보자가 있다면 꼭 공유해주시길 부탁드립니다.


Dear all

My name is Travis Lee, the Recruitment Manager of the Human Resources Team at Hanmi Global Co., Ltd. It is with great respect and urgency that I approach you today to impart an important development regarding the ongoing open recruitment for new employees at Hanmi Global Co., Ltd. I would like to humbly request your assistance in disseminating this information within your respective networks.

In our concerted efforts to attract diverse and global talent, we have decided to extend the application deadline for our available positions. Initially scheduled for May 14th, we have now moved this deadline to May 19th. This decision has been made to ensure that potential candidates are provided with sufficient time to prepare and submit their applications.

We believe that this extension will greatly enhance the diversity and caliber of our applicant pool, reflecting our commitment to building a globally-minded and inclusive team. We are confident that this measure will support our overall goal of creating a more diverse workforce.

Your assistance in sharing this news about the deadline extension is deeply appreciated. If there are potential candidates within your networks who may benefit from this extension, we kindly ask that you share this information with them.

Thank you in advance for your generous help and unwavering support. Should you have any questions or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to respond to this email.

>With sincere gratitude,

* 채용공고: 신입사원 채용페이지 바로가기

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