기업/기관 채용공고

[UT Dallas Department of Bioengineering] 박사 채용 공고 (석사 졸업 예정자)

2022-01-13 21:15

A Funded PhD Position in Human Movement Biomechanics, Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer Science, Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas, USA

PhD assistantship

Neuromuscular and Musculoskeletal Biomechanics Lab

Department of Bioengineering

The University of Texas at Dallas

Richardson, Texas, USA

We are happy to announce a funded PhD research position in human movement biomechanics in the Department of Bioengineering at The University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas) starting Fall 2022. The Neuromuscular and Musculoskeletal Biomechanics Lab, led by Prof. Gu Eon Kang, is seeking a PhD student who has experiences and/or is interested in using motion capture technology, force plates, instrumented treadmill, electromyography, and wearable sensors to conduct a series of projects regarding mobility research in diabetic foot disease. These projects will be in collaboration with healthcare providers at The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. Applications received prior to January 30, 2022 will receive the highest priority, though applications will continue to be accepted until April 30, 2022. Feel free to share this opportunity broadly.

How to Apply:

Interested students should apply to the program by submitting relevant documents to https://graduate-admissions.utdallas.edu/steps-to-admission/apply-now/


email your curriculum vitae and a brief statement of your research, industry, or other work experiences to Prof. Gu Eon Kang (GuEon.Kang2@utdallas.edu).

More information on the UT Dallas Bioengineering graduate program can be found by visiting:

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