기업/기관 채용공고

[Montefiore Medical Center] 기관 채용 공고

2017-01-17 23:19
New York City Bronx에 위치한 Montefiore Medical Center입니다. 이번에 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery에서 clinical research assistant를 모집합니다. 자세한 내용은 아래 Job Description을 참고해 주시기 바라며 관심 있으신 분들은 keonhee.kim@hotmail.com으로 연락주시기 바랍니다. 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.

Clinical Research Associate

In this role you will assist the Research Director of the Multidisciplinary Spine Group at Montefiore Medical Center in the following capacities:

● Assist with clinical research protocol write ups and IRB application submission

● Academic journal document analysis for reference collection

● Work with principal investigator to design data collection forms for clinical studies

● Liaise with medical students, residents, fellows and attendings to monitor clinical study progression and to determine areas of administrative needs

● Submit abstracts to academic conferences

● Arrange travel itineraries and correspond with presenters

● Reformat and submit manuscripts for publication in clinical journals

● Support clinical study team through the development of tasks, milestone and deliverables. Provide status update to the principal investigator on a monthly basis.

● Recruit patients and administer patient reported outcome surveys, and collect radiographic files and clinical photos for open clinical studies.

● Organize monthly research meetings


● Bachelor's Degree required, Masters in Health Administration Preferred.

● 0-2 years of relevant experience

● Must have experience in project management

● Must be able to multitask and meet deadline

● Excellent attention to detail, ability to analyze large sets of data/information and to identify root causes and remedy inconsistencies.

● Proficiency in Word and Excel is required

● Strong verbal and written communication
Total 0

Total 867
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