로컬 홍보/광고

ABA therapy programs, Speech & Behavior Therapy, 시더파크쪽에 ABA 클리닉을 새로 오픈하였습니다. 언어치료 및 행동 발달 치료에 관심 있으신분 저희 클리닉에 상담 및 투어 가능합니다

2021-11-08 12:49
휴스턴 지역에서 활발히 운영중인 ABA therapy 클리닉을 오랜 경험과 노하우를 바탕으로 오스틴 북쪽 시더파크 쪽에 추가로 New 오픈 하였습니다.

Rise with ABA 주소,11901 W Parmer Ln STE 300, Cedar Park, TX 78613.

언어치료 및 행동 발달 치료, 보험관련, 진단 관련 자세한 문의사항이 있으신 분은 아래 메일 주소로 연락주세요.


In Clinic ABA therapy provides a highly structured environment for learning many different important skills. In clinic helps children generalize skills outside of the home and into other settings.

1. 0-4 years old –   Kick-start Riser  <- Foundation and basic Milestones, Early Behavior Modification

2. 4-6 years old – Riser   Challengers <– Introductory Social Skills, Interactive Communication Skills and Learning to cope with life challenges

3. 5.5-8 years old – Riser  Cores <– Intermediate Group/Classroom Skills, Peer Interactions, Advanced Communication.

4. 8-10 years old – Riser Rockets   <– Advanced Classroom Skills, Extended Peer Interactions, Persisting Behavior Modification. Soaring into successful future endeavors


In Home ABA therapy allows highly flexible programs within the home to accommodate children and families with special needs who choose not to go to in clinic programs. In home provides effective therapy in the comfort of the client’s home.


Tutoring Service -Kids with special needs need some extra help for their academics ( reading comprehension, writing composition, or math). Rise With ABA provides one on one tutoring service with kids who need help.


Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a therapy evidence-based on the science of learning and behavior.

Behavior analysis helps us to understand:

  • How behavior works

  • How behavior is affected by the environment

  • How learning takes place

ABA therapy applies our understanding of how behavior works to real situations. The goal is to increase behaviors that are helpful and decrease behaviors that are harmful or affect learning.

ABA therapy programs can help:

  • Increase language and communication skills

  • Improve attention, focus, social skills, memory, and academics

  • Decrease problem behaviors

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Total 399
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