로컬 홍보/광고

Iron Fish Sushi and Grill 에서 주방 보조 구합니다

2018-05-30 14:59
Iron Fish Sushi and Grill

900 E Pecan St Ste 800, Pflugerville, TX 78660

Pflugerville 에 위치한 스시집에서

주방 쉐프/보조 구합니다. (Fulltime/Parttime)

관심 있으신 분은 ironfishrecruitment@gmail.com 또는 가게에 들려서 지원해주세요.

Iron Fish Sushi and Grill


900 E. Pecan st. Suit 800
Pflugerville TX 78660

Hiring Positions:

Kitchen Cook (only for people with experience of Japenese cuisine)


Dishwasher (Full/Part time)

We have a unique work environment where you're trained to work every position in the restaurant. From the register, to the kitchen, to morning prep and evening close, our team members become a team working in all aspects of the restaurant.

So, what's it take to be a successful Iron Fish Sushi and Grill team member?

Energy & Stamina - it's a team-based work environment and team energy is important.

Good Communication - Works with each other on what's happening real-time during each shift.

Caring About Your Teammates - Always working for the success of your team.Are you Interested?

E-mail: ironfishrecruitment@gmail.com

Please e-mail for application
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