로컬 홍보/광고

Austin Community College 성인교육(Adult Education) 에서 무료로 제공하는 각종자격증 및 직업구하는데 도움되는 수업

2021-03-05 13:27
3월 5일 저녁 5시에 신청이 마감되어요.

섭티처 자격증, 메디칼 보조, 북키핑, 외국에서 학사학위 이상받은 사람들의 레주메나 성적표 번역 도와줍니다.

Computer Basics and Intro to Medical. 

The password for registration is cpw21


International Trained Professional

This class is for ESL students that have a degree from another country. We translate diplomas, up to $300. We are now registering ESL students Level 2 and higher.

Certification Classes


We still have a few spots left. Interested students should register using the link below. This link will take you to our website, where you can fill out the application form.

If you have any questions or would like a class presentation, please contact us at cpw@austincc.edu


Thank you
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Total 399
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